Lincoln College Preparatory Academy is a unique learning community that values and demonstrates respect for individuals and educational experience at every level. Students, faculty, parents and partners work together to create a place that exemplifies what is possible in public education. Lincoln is home to a challenging and rigorous program that yield great results. Our standardized test scores have established Lincoln as a premier school on a local, state and national level. A more profound measure of our success is evident in the intellectual, social and emotional development of our students. Lincoln was named the best high school in MO for 2016 by U.S. News & World Report. Lincoln got the highest rating among all high schools in MO in the Washington Post’s 2017 ranking of the nation’s most challenging schools. Lincoln is both a strong presence in the Kansas City education community and a historical cornerstone for the city. Since the original school’s founding in 1865, Lincoln has evolved, the name has changed, but the purpose and mission has remained clear: to help nurture and develop thoughtful, caring, high-achieving graduates.
International Baccalaureate School: The International Baccalaureate (IB) system of education for three to nineteen-year-olds is unique because of its academic and personal rigor. We challenge students to excel in their studies and in their personal growth. The IB system aspires to help schools develop well-rounded students who make ethical decisions, join with others in celebrating our common humanity and are prepared to apply what they learned in real-world, complex and unpredictable situations. As an IB school Lincoln fully embraces this system and boasts a high level of achievement from our staff and students.
Admission Requirements: Students must have no more than two class 3 discipline offenses (or the equivalent) or higher, 90% or better attendance record and a 3.00 GPA in core subjects.
School Hours:
7:20 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Lincoln’s Community Partners:
- 20/20 Leadership
- Black Community Fund
- Centennial Church
- Children's Mercy
- HBCU Walking Billboard
- Hispanic Development Fund
- JE Dunn
- KC Stem
- Lincoln High R.T. Coles Alumni Association
- Truman Medical Center
2111 Woodland Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 418-3000